Monday, April 10, 2017

Technological Enhancement in the Classroom

The integration of technology is a beneficial way for students to engage in active learning. I plan to use a variety of technological enhancements throughout the classroom in order to help students achieve higher learning. I feel in order to achieve higher learning it takes more than technology but the combination of a variety of teaching and learning strategies. Technology can not be the only way to teach but a great way to enhance learning. One example of technology I would like to implement would be the use of simulations. However, students need more than simply participate in the simulation for higher learning to be achieved. There needs to be more teaching included in order for this type of activity to be successful.  A simulation library is an informative resource that encompasses a variety of scenarios. It might be beneficial for students to review simulations so that they may feel more comfortable when participating in them. A link to the library can be found here.

There are four ways in which students are able to gain knowledge and apply it in an immediate and relevant setting: authentic learning, active learning, applied learning, and experiential learning. Through simulations, students are able to gain information and apply it in a realistic way. This is considered authentic learning as the students are participating in the simulation. This is beneficial to the student but it does not achieve the higher learning necessary for nursing students today. This can not be the only activity or the simulation will not be effective. In order to achieve higher learning and a successful simulation, other factors must be present. Prior to the simulation, students should complete pre-work. This can include reading or an activity to prepare students for the simulation. This is seen as active learning as the students are completing a task and applying what was learned in the task to the scenario. A debriefing should occur after the simulation to help students gain applied knowledge. Through this, students and instructors will review what occurred during the simulation and discuss how students performed well and discuss improvements that can be made. Applied learning will occur as a result. More information regarding the importance of debriefing during simulations can be found here. Students are able to gain knowledge from the simulation and through the debriefing, will be able to apply it to the clinical setting. The last part of the simulation would be an evaluation. This provides the students the opportunity to reflect and evaluate the simulation. Students will share what they will take away from this experience and through this, experiential learning will occur. This type of learning occurs in direct participation in an activity where students can reflect and gain meaning.

Simulations are just one technological enhancement that I would like to include in my teaching. Simulations are a great activity for nursing students as they help to prepare nurses for real life scenarios and when provided a safe environment, students are able to explore and gain new knowledge. I feel it is important to remember that the goal is for students to achieve higher learning and gain the ability to apply in a real way. This technology is just one example that is able to encompass a variety of learning in just one activity. The simulation below is just one type of simulation that can occur. Through this simulation, providers can gain experience and will use the knowledge gained to apply to their practice.   

Bonnel, Wanda E. & Smith, Katharine V. (2010). Teaching Technologies in Nursing & the Health Professions: Beyond Simulation and Online Courses. New York, Springer Publishing Company.

1 comment:

  1. Jamie,
    Well done! You are demonstrating your interest in technology in teaching with enthusiasm!
