Monday, April 24, 2017

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Authentic Assessment and Feed Forward

When I think of the type of educator that I would like to be when it comes to evaluating students work, I would like to be honest and thorough. As an educator, in order to facilitate effective learning, evaluations should be attempted to occur in real time. I find this to be most beneficial to students. If they see what areas need improvement, they will be able to practice more thoroughly and have a better chance of retaining information and completing authentic learning. I want to be the type of instructor that can contribute to student success through evaluation that is complete and make recommendations as needed in an appropriate timeframe.

My goal as an educator is to make all learning authentic. This is quite a task as not everyone has the same learning styles and preferences. I want to ensure that each and every student has the opportunity to learn effectively. I plan on achieving authentic learning through the use of real life learning. I feel that adding some real life experiences I have seen will help to facilitate learning. Also, allowing students the opportunity to participate in simulation experiences will help them gain some comfort to use during real life scenarios. I will make learning authentic by attempting to keep students engaged by incorporating their interests into learning. I would like to get students to think critically in order to instill rigor. If I put the effort into authentic learning, then my teaching will be more efficient, which is beneficial to students. The link here is a portal to a variety of information regarding authentic assessment and formative learning. There is also some useful information about the benefits to rubrics.

Feed forward means a variety of things to me. Mostly I feel that it is the ability for an educator to provide timely and specific recommendations to ensure thoughtful learning is taking place. I will use what I have learned during the feedback process in order to benefit students. I feel this will help avoid misconceptions and I will have a greater picture of what I expect and how I imagine my students fulfilling the necessary requirements. Feed forward is using backwards planning to anticipate the needs of students and help them to ensure success. I found a informative article regarding the use of feed forward in the classroom. It demonstrates some of the benefits of feeding forward and how beneficial it can be for students. The link can be found here.

Overall, I would like to be an educator that will do whatever planning necessary in order to facilitate authentic learning. I find this type of learning to be the most beneficial to students particularly because of its relevancy in real world scenarios. I enjoy keeping students engaged through examples of real life scenarios and sharing my previous experiences. I look forward to sharing these will my students.

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